
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sepatah Dua Kata (:

I only said it 'cause I mean it
I only mean 'cause it's true,
So don't you doubt what I've been dreaming,
'Cause it fills me up and holds me close
Whenever I'm without you

     God Imissyousomuchithurtsandkillingmeinside

Tak Puas Hati

"Sometimes rasa geram sangat tengok, aku harap dia clash cepat so aku boleh dapat dia." 
Familiar with this situation?
Nahh dear, we should've be happy for the one that we love. I know it hurts watching them with other person but if you do love them, let ‘em go and be happy for them. Who knows you’ll meet a better person in future for the act that you did to your love ones?
Bak kata orang Melayu cakap, mengalahlah. It ain’t wrong and you’ll lose nothing. (Maybe ada la jugak lose nya, but hey, look at the bright side kay?) Plus, like what you heard,
“Lelaki yang baik adalah untuk perempuan yang baik dan juga sebaliknya.”
It ain’t fair kalau perempuan bohsia tahap raja segala bohsia, but dapat lelaki tok imam. Pernah dengar ke? “Heh, pernah je.” Okay, pernah. So, apa jadi at the end? Perempuan tu jadi baik jugak kan? Or either way, diorang tak bersama-sama dah. See, the phrase remains like that. So my advice is, kalau korang nak dapat orang yang baik sebagai pasangan korang, be nice. Berubahlah. I am not saying this to you guys je, this is an advice for myself too. Yeah, kekadang can’t help it for being wild and rebel, but hey, I know who I am and I know how to behave good. The question now is, do you know?
Then for those out there yang dah berubah because of the one that you loved, berubah ke arah kebaikan tak apa, but please lah, tarak guna hang pi ubah diri hang ke arah kejahatan. What’s the point you get? Satisfaction, yeah, perhaps. But cuba fikir, okay for instance I heard this case is pretty normal and well known.
Kes seorang player pergi mainkan orang lain just for fun.

“Hahaha yeaahh for fun, so what?”

So what? Hey, korang pernah fikir tak what happened to those person yang pernah dimainkan?
Results ;
• Fobia cinta
• Tak percaya orang dah terutamanya kaum sebaliknya
• Depa pun jadi player jugak
etc etc

Yang jadi player tu tak boleh tahan. Cuba korang tengok balik, korang mainkan orang, then orang yang dimainkan pun entah-entah balas dendam balik, tapi bukan kat korang, but kat orang lain and mana tau orang yang diorang mainkan pun buat benda sama and never ending. Results dia sama je like what I listed. Korang tak kesian ke?

“Ala, remaja. Cinta monyet je pun. Bukannya sampai nak kahwin ke apa”

Okay fine. But korang tau hukum karma tak? Who knows nanti Allah balas balik (ni bagi yang Muslim lah) and who knows, tetiba berlaku kat anak korang pulak. Korang nak ke anak korang fobia pasal benda ni? Jadi andartu, jadi bujang terlajak. Sampai tua pun korang tak dapat nak menimang cucu. Tak sedih ke? Allah berlaku adil kepada setiap umat dia kay, and I myself believe in that. Even though pegangan agama tak kuat mana, but I know those stuff and sering juga ingatkan diri balik and I believe, everything that happened must be a reason why .

This is just a note for you guys out there. I know it’s a fun thing to do and you think it wont harm others. Yeah, I know sometimes I do that too, but janganlah buat sampai melebih-lebih. Like korang dah buat diorang jatuh cinta sampai kemaruk gila, then korang pi tinggalkan dia terkontang-kanting. Diorang boleh dapat sakit jiwa tau cause tempat yang paling lemah is heart. Sekali terganggu, hish semua benda tak kena lah. What a pity thing kan?

I am not a doctor love or something, but I’m just telling you guys what I think and I hope korang boleh renung-renungkan balik . Peace (:


Friday, November 25, 2011

Couple? Not For Me, Thanks! (in Manglish) by Anwar Hadi

Couple? Not For Me, Thanks! (in Manglish)

Haha so as shown above, that's one of the link I found written by Anwar Hadi . I salute him somehow, you know cause he dares to speak out. He literally open my eyes a lil bit. Very interesting .

Guys, check it out and think for a second on everything you're going to read, or read (rad = past tense for read)

Lifess Person I Am

Okay. SPM next year. Okay. Ibu started nagging about me should start with my revision and studies etcetera cetera. Yeah, can’t deny it I spent my time like 24/7 with my lappie. Can’t help it y’know since can’t watch the tv.

And I got weird dreams lately. Like nice dreams, but in reality, it wasn’t nice at all ! Like for instance, I dreamt I got 5A’s for my end of year exam, but the fact was, when I woke up, everyone started asking me have I check out my results and all ; results this results that. When I knew what was my results, it wasn’t like in my dream at all. Faarrr beyond.


Holidays amat membosankan. Literally grounded for this whole week, isn’t it just perfect?


So my routine is watch movies I downloaded. Online. Check out what’s new and stuff. Stalk people’s wall, activities etc. Okay, I was just lying. No you know what, I don’t think it was a lie. I think that was the fact hihi. Omygod I became a stalker ! :O Oh darn. This is what happened when you got nothing else to do besides fb-ing . Great. I’m a lifeless person.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011



I want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for neglecting you. I’m sorry for my bad behavior towards you. I’m sorry I didn’t give you much attention. Sorry for not answering you phone calls, replying your texts. I’m sorry for not being caring enough. I’m sorry I wasn’t a good person around you. I’m sorry for everything I’d done.
Well you know what, careless bout that. I just want to say I’m sorry for not being sorry cause what I mentioned earlier was just a beautiful lie  

Sunday, November 20, 2011


When I was a child, I read a lot of novels. Malay ones, especially. From that, I wished and I wanted only one man in my life as my partner. Let him be the first and the last. I know my weaknesses. I can’t bear with loses last time, but as time goes by, experiences taught me to be strong and not to fall on whatever come across.
Frankly speaking, living in a hostel life wasn’t on my list at all. As a primary student, I always thought my high school life will finish in my old school, but my expectation was wrong. My parents sent me to a boarding school with a very high hope in me. Wanting me to be a better person and to make them proud. I know until now I am not like that, due to certain circumstances, I became an ignorant girl. Disrespectful. Im sorry, I realize that, and I’ll try to change, God willing.
Reminiscing everything I had gone through there, the pain I felt, the blames I got, the talks I heard, the happiness I shared with my friends, the memories I had, I can’t miss any. I love it there. I love being with my friends there. They’re the one who lighten up my world there. Accepted me for who I am, was there with me through thick and thin, I don’t want to lose them.
In life, when you’re walking with your friends, laughing and jokes around then you tripped over something and fell. You know no one realize it because they’re busy with the happiness, with the joy they’re having, but there’ll be this one person who will turn around, who saw you on the floor. The person will come and help to get you on your feet and ask you if you were okay. Walk along with you to catch up the rest in front of you. That one person is your true friend. They’re not your fair weather friends. They’re the pearl among the glass. You should keep and treat them well because they are not replacements for true friends. Keep them, I tell you.

You know, sometimes I feel like throwing you away from my life just because you caught my eyes. I don’t want to fall for you because I don’t want to pay the cost I have to deal with later. I don’t want that feelings. Guess now I have to face the fact that I lost the game.  As much as I don’t want to lose you, but sometimes I can’t help it from walking away from you. Trying to stay far from you just to make me get rid of you easily. You’re not mine and I must suck it up no matter what. I’m sorry if I hurt you, it’s better like this, I supposed

Sunday, November 13, 2011

HG In My Heart

This, I dedicate to my girls
à lily farisha (Sha) , Syaza Izzaty (Syaza) , Nisha Najihah (Angah) , Saadah Zasali    (Shad) , Siti Khadijah (Biey)

Korang, janganlah pindah, please?

Sha ;
Hai setan kecik (:
Kau. Haha. My classmate (‘:
Kau gila. Mulut macam mak nenek bila membebel. Caring. Comel gegila ! I love you, bby.
Aku tak kenal kau pun, but bila dh pindah tempat and duduk sebelah kau, you light up my world. Walau becok mana pun kau, but aku still suka dengar kau membebel. Haha, dah la hotstuff 
Sha, ni pesanan untuk kau, hormat parents kay, jangan melawan cakap diorang. Walau salah mana pun diorang, cakap elokelok tau. Jangan nak marah balik. Memang puas klau dpat marah balik, but dosa weh. Ingat ni tau

Sha with her boyfie . Aku nak tengok korang smpai next year boleh ? (:

Angah ;
Sayang, aku suka kau sebab…, tak ingat. Hee x)
Kau tak kisah apa orang cakap. You still can live your life even orang asyik nak dok mengata pasal kau. Aku tak ksah smua tu, walau betul ke salah ke apa yang diorang cakap, aku tak kisah cause I love you for the way you are.
Kau dengan Shad sama sama gila. Haha klau aku kenal korang semua and ktrang pnya frndship mcam ni sejak awal tahun, aku tak tahu nak ckap apa. Maybe dah kena panggil ke bilik disiplin mcam tah brapa byak kali. Cikgu Rozman dah jadi best friend kita orang kot PFT .
But at least klau ktrang nk buat psal, ktrang tak libatkan orang lain kan. And, sendiri buat sendiri tanggung la kan?

Shad ;
Astaghfirullah. Budak ni. Tak tahu nak cakap mcam mana. Dia dengan perangainya. Dengan gayanya. Dengan semuanya lah ! Tau nak ikut kepala sendiri je. Bila dah buat benda salah, mulalah gegel. Menggedik cari lesbo dia. Haha, shad jangan terasa tau.
Kau pun sama lebih kurang mcam angah. Kira kau junior paling top la kan? Dengan gigi besinya lagi haha. Aku sayang kau jugak, gila. Otak kau yang gilagila tu sometimes boleh diguna pakai jugak, boleh ceriakan hati orang. Semua lah
Teruk mana pun, kau still tak lupa kawan. At least kau still boleh dibawa berbincang, caring, baik hati. Stick like that kay (:
But Shad, jaga diri elokelok tau. Aku taknak kawan aku jadi orang , kau fhamfham je la. As long as still jadi orang
Ingat ni, jaga diri elokelok tau. Gila, gila, but jangan takde limit kay?

And shad, jangan tamak tau . Kau faham kan maksud aku bila aku cakap ‘tamak’ ? haha . But satu tu aku tabik kau (‘:

Inilah shad. Haha dia punya PP

The real one. Lawa kan? :D 
Aku nak korang dua samasama huaaaa T.T 

Biey ;
Biey . Biey . Biey .
Ego. Paranoid. Gila. Sakai. Sengal. Gila. Kelakar. Entertaining.
Kau gila. Haha
Kau ingat lagi tak awalawal tahun? Aiman dok asyik panggil kau dayah bulat la, dayah bujur la. Aku kat situ mcam ‘laa wtf?’
Haha then bila kitarang tau sama dorm, mcam ni jadinya. *edited kay

Me : Nama siapa?
Biey : Siti Khadijah. Kau?
Me : Mai. Siti Maisarah.
Biey : Ohh, nanti kelab semua nak masuk apa?
Me : Tah, ingat nak masuk photography
Biey : Eh? Ehh, sama lah !
Me : Haha oh yea? Unit uniform?
Biey : Aku nak masuk PBSM
Me : Woi, kau biar betul
Biey : Betul lah
Me : Sama doee ==’ . Permainan?
Biey : Aku netball. Kau?
Me : Hahaga, samalahh . Ah, adik beradik ! Siapa kakak? Jap, kau lahir bila?
Biey : 6 Julai
Me : Aku 7 Julai. Semua nak sama dengan kau doe
Biey : Haha, tau tak apa ! Pelik oh. Kau nak tau tak, time aku lahir dah biru..

And so on. Haha cerita lahir tak cukup bulan eh biey?

Aku still tak dapat lupakan kitarang punya dialog that time

Me : Wah, banyaknya kelemumur !
Biey : Haah, taburkan semua sampai boleh buat nestum ! Lepastu makan. Num num num !

Biey mereng. Haha. I heart you biey. My chemistry sistah (:
Tarikh dapat period pun nak dekatdekat . Takut jugak aku.

Syaza ;
Syaza, kau cakap kau takkan pindah kan? Kau je harapan aku doe, but bila kes ni dah berlaku aku tak tau aku nak jadi gila dengan siapa nanti. Wey, kau tau haha aku teringat time firstfirst reaction kau jmpa aku. Kau cakap aku minah kerek? Kau ckap kau benci aku etc sbab kau tak knal aku kan? Then dah kenal, macam nilah jadinya, hadeh. Menyesal tak kenal aku? Haha , I know you don’t
Time aku peluk kau kan wey, aku teringat semua yang kita orang pernah face sama sama. Aku tau, kau tak rapat sangat dengan aku dlam gang ktrang, but the memories we shared together, we can never buy it anywhere. It’s permanent.
Teringat time netball especially, haha time kau defense aku x) , time KAT, time prep sama sama, time lepak kat pantry, time kita duduk duadua cakap psal kehidupan SEMUA LAH. Aku rindu tu semua :(
Aku tak akan lupakan kau, tak akan  faham tak?

Syaza sayang (':

Apa yang kitrang faced semua, baik buruk, kitrang slalu sama sama kan. Aku tak pernah ada kawan mcam korang. Time kes Shad, angah, sha. aku punya kes, terharu sangat (‘: . Korang tak lupa kawan and you guys are always there.
Aku nak jumpa korang next year. Nak tido bawah ketiak korang jugak. Nak lepak pantry sama sama lagi. Chit chat pasal bf masingmasing. Erk? I mean, laki masingmasing haha. Main mercun samasama. Turun lambat samasama. Fly? Haha tak ksah. Tak ksah la orang nk ckap ktrang ada bakat jadi mcam gang diorng, but wtfak. Diorang taktau what’s going on. Rehat samasama. Turun surau samasama. Eh jap, ada ke? Aku rasa mesti ada yang melencong ke ruai hahaga. Tak kau, aku. Tak aku, kau. Period kan? Bukan apa kan. Mesti ada je orang yang fkir bukanbukan ==’

Jangan pernah berubah tau . I mean, berubah kepada kebaikan aku tak kisah sangat, but nnti klau jmpa time dh besar ke apa, mesti aku rindu kegilaan korang. Tengok korang matang, hahahaga kelakar kott. Jangan tau. Mesti ada gila tu.
HG in my heart (:

Time Merdeka Raya

Last day of school . Syaza datang . 
Nov 11, 2011 

Kalau boleh, nak letak gambar diorang byak byak so korang boleh tau, they're mine, mine and mine ! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Missed You

Okay. This is just ridiculous. We got back from Malacca around 8 o’clock and I slept in the car till we arrived here which was around 11 oclock. So I wasn’t sleepy, and I’m still awake till now ==’

Yoouuu, why didn’t you texted or called? I’ve waited for it all day long, and there was nothing from you ):
Hope to hear from you soon or meet up with you in school. Imma miss you, truly I do

Thanks kho, now that song’s stuck in my head like a broken radio. Good luck for your exam, okay? Wait, I don’t think I need to wish you good luck cause you always have a good luck haha . Just do what you do best (:

I had a chat with few people but one of ‘em really got me. Godd I miss you. I know I’m just being ridiculous, but seriously I missed you and thanks for the chat. I wish we could meet up one day ):

You know what, I’d just realize why I’d been admiring you. You remind me of someone that I can never forget. You have so many in common things like that person, but what the hell, you are what you are

To all my seniors, good luck in your SPM, may you do your best. Hope to see you guys in future (: