

My heart belongs to my family, first of course. How bad they are, I just can't stop loving them . Love yah

Ibu (:

Love my brother the most hihi 

 My leng lui with her boyfie (:
Love you bbe, I miss you 

The rest, Fourian friends , love you guys :'D
Frisbee members 

Kustechs ;

My hell gang :D har har
Lily Farisha
Nisha Najihah
Nurul Syaza Izzaty
Nur Saadah
Siti Khadijah 

My roommates (:
My classmates <3
The dorm opposite of mine
Syeera Elmo
Gf AG, mama Nyzer  
Mimi pau panas
Amirul Fariqh
Aqil Farhan

. Aiman's .

Anyone else missing , I'm sorry 
I didn't mean to left your name