
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Strive For SPM

I need some spirit. 
Inspirations that can keep me moving forward. Strength to pull me up. Reality to keep me awake.

    His father didn't leave him a house, a car, or even wealth. But the only thing he left for his son was education. He was born in poverty. Thus, he used the education given wisely to change the life of his own family. He said, he wants to give the best education for his children even though it will cost him. But he doesn't care, as long as they will excel in their life. He knows his children will thanks him someday. That's his sacrifice. And the question he asks, 'Are you willing to sacrifice for your parents? Or even for your future?'
    So they say      

"If you are born poor its not your fault. But if you die poor its your fault."

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Random Acts

I'm sick and tired of this game
Where you are the player
And I'm just the audience
You let me do nothing
And keep tearing me apart

You left me hanging
Wondering to myself
When will this game ends
Want to be part of it
But afraid to get played

Birthday Alin (:

Birthday Alin

Date ; Feb 23rd
Time ; Prep hour
Venue ; 5E2 '12. 
Invitations ; Closed ones

  It was a surprise birthday party act. The next day tu baru birthday dia, but she had to go for KPA camp, so they made her birthday party that night time budak form 4 punya tuition hoho. Smua idea Farid, Alin's best bud. Tak banyak yang ingin diceritakan. Just want to share the pictures (:

Creds to ; Camera CANON Sal *batak sikit , photographer (tah brapa tangan yang pegang cam)








Over 14 Days

Finally home, again. Ahah

    Okay, rewind on what I had for the past two weeks. 

   As I said earlier, we had bowling competition. District. My group won the first place *membatak sekejap. Bukan selalu dpat menang ni :p . Tak expect pun dpat tmpat first, 6 games in a row kan, mana tak. Haha gila tak gila. Pretty worth it. Well, I must thanks to my group members especially Mimi, my jr. Well, she's good in bowling. Agak-2 la der, since primary dah main, mana tak. 

    Then we had marathon run. Luckily this time tak jauh mcam last year. Last year, llaki prmpuan must run for about 10km. Itu. Memang. Gila. 10km wehhh. Skolah korang ada? Tak ada kan? Kitarang pnya je. Apa diorng fkir ktrang smua ni athlete ke? Smpai skolah tu, agak-2 rmai pengsan tak? Haha tak tak. Kitrang tau jalan jauh (lagi smua lurus je) ada yang jalan je. Penat seh. Yang kat blakang-2 tu, bus skolah pickup diorng bhahaha *terserlah kelambatannya. Last year dpat number 26. This year 27. Nampak sangat dah berat ==' . Oh sheeeshh . Go jog la maaiii *itu setakat kata-kata semangat yang sudah diyakini tidak akan dilakukan oleh aku (: Teringat time warm up. Kat skolah tu, para gadis yang ayu-ayu tu smua mmang minat poco-poco. Aku pun suka join, best. Sbab buat lama-2, nanti peluh kluar, and you'll have fun. Lagi lagi klau buat rmai-2. Lawaaaa :D . Time warm up, conductor buat kat depan. Aku dengan budak-2 lain (mula-2 ada 3 4 orang je buat line kat blakang skali) then lagu dah mula, half of the girls join ktrang. Mmang enjoy, cause buat rmai-2 :'D . But rasa agak tidak beradap sbab conductor buat kat depan, but ktrang buat kepala kitarang sendiri kat blakang. *Oh kami mmang macam ni everytime ada event rmai-2, harap maklum (:

      Later on, the weekends we had to do the 5S thingy. Susun, Simpan, Sisih amenda lagi tah adoiyai. Bagi aku macam ni je, Sambil Simpan, Sorok, Selepastu Selamatkan. Faham tak apa benda tu? Tak apa lah kalau tak fham (: . Tak pun, 5S tu untuk sesetengah orang sisih je. Sisih tu maksudnya buang benda yang tak perlu. Sometimes klau korang tengok dlam bilik korang yang bersepah mcam kapal pecah, baru dilanda ribut taufan etc tu, sisih je semua klau dh nmpak menyemak sangat. Yeah, that was what we did, literally. Dok sah nak berjiwa sentimental sangat smpai semua benda zaman tok kaduk pun korang nak simpan. Eceh, suruh orang, padahal aku pun simpan je hewhew. Sayang kan? Okay, klau sayang, simpan dalam satu slot elokelok. So tak ada la nmpak bersepah sangat. Saja nak bagi tips :p . Hari ahad tu kitarang cat bilik. Sekarang dah mcam tadika. Berwarna warni. Ada empat dinding kan? Setiap dinding warna lain-2. Mmang buat gabungan idea and puff jadilah dorm yang, like wow lah. Lepas dah cat tu, rasa exited sikit nak mendaki beribu tangga (mcam pnjat tangga kat Batu Cave tu) semata-mata untuk balik dorm hoho. Begitulah kehidupan asrama (:

      After that, school as always. Same old routine. Then,,
     Two days ago we had our monthly exam. Yeah, in two day. Brapa subject? 10 lah. 10 subjects in two days. Sekolah korang ada? Tak ada kan? *bajet lebih . Serious tak best exam in two days. Just imagine, the first day we had all the science subject included our course's exam. We had agama, chem, phys, mode maths, add maths then civil. Like dafuk bitch? All subjects for one hour each. Stayed up the other night till up to 2 if I was not mistaken. 

     Now I know how can I study till late night. If I want to stay up, I need to sleep (like in a deep sleep) for about half an hour or so, then I can stay up till 2-3. Depends, though. But usually I take 1 hour sleep (: 

Time prep blajar skjap, bila time dah ngantuk, tidoq, then bangun 1 hour later. Mintak kawan kejutkan lah. Klau set alarm pun tarak guna. After that mmang fresh :D . So klau blajar time tu is pretty effective. The next day was like pretty light subjetcs. We had bm, bi, drawing then history. Drawing masuk perspective view and intersection. Honestly, aku tak fham bab intersection tu, so mntak orang tnjuk ajar. Ya, time exam aku mntak orang ajar, problem? 

      Then of course, habis exam, balik rumah (: