This is the second day in Tabin Wildlife Resort.
My mom woke me up at around 4.30 but of course, being a teenager who's enjoying the holiday, I laid around on the bed and continue my sleep. Damn I was so tired. I woke up at 5 after my mom kept 'snoozing' me every 5 minutes.
Then around 5.30, got rdy and all I sat there doing nothing and I heard a music sounded like bell ringing from chalet 2. My chalet was number 3. It rings like every 2 mins if I was not mistaken. I told my mom about it, but she said she didn't hear a thing except that she heard bell ringing at around 12 (when I was dead asleep).
So during breakfast, Aunt Audrey told us about the ringing she heard. I was like 'oh, you heard it too?' but her chalet was num 8, which was quite far away. Well we didn't make such a big fuss though, so we just drop it.
We reached volcano mud, played around, one of my aunt, her leg got stuck in the mud, so Stephen tried to help, but his boot also got stuck. Haha awesome time. After playing with the mud, we walked back (with mud) to our ride.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, 2 pacat got on me, but didn't get the chance to suck my blood. Fiuh! 2 attempts, so i thought to myself the 3rd one, might get lucky haha. Walking back took like 20-30 mins only haha without the explanations and all, of course.
Then 10 mins ride, we went to the waterfall. 400 m walk in the wood, again. But we didn't take much time though. Damn, the water was super cold! We bathe, washed our muddy clothes left it stainless. FYI, we didn't bring any extra clothes there or so so we walked to our ride, wet :)
We bathe with our boots on cause the floor is very rocky and the water was flowing strongly due to the rain. After that Stephen asked us to just leave the water in our boots. We can wash our hands after that. Haha the water was pretty clean to wash stuff kay, don't worry (:
I kept some in my boots cause I wanna wash my hands l8r, the rest I let it out cause it was heavy :l
Kak Long, my mom was in front of me. The rest was at the back while we walked back. Kak Long was further in front, actually. My mom and kak long went to the van, linger around it while I'd just reach the sign board. The rest was further behind me. After that, I realized got some mud on my palms, so I wanted to wash it off, I deep in my hand in my boot to get some water then I rub of the mud on my right hand. Realized there was small leave on my left index finger, I rubbed against my pant but it didn’t go away. So I took a closer look and realized it started moving.
On that second I screamed my lungs out. I was seriously panic and shocked. I ran to my mom and she asked me to kept quiet. I felt seriously uncomfortable, I just want to get rid of that thing. I kept quiet for a while and she took a look for a sec and I started screaming again when she wanted to take her camera. I was pissed, man. Hahah then she told me to get the guy, our driver. Not Stephen. Stephen was behind, with the rest.
There, a pic of the pacat. Just wanna share (:
The guy tried to pull it, but it slipped and got the 'poop' sound which made it worst for me. Geli gila tau tak? I kept begging him to take it away from me. Second attempt, succeed! Omygod, I was super relieved man. Oh, good part was I didn't cry. At least ==
Such an experience (:
After that we took 'after' group photo. We were clean, at least. In Tabin, it was pretty fun and seriously tiring. We got to see all the wild animals, literally. We had to chase for 'em to get a close up. Haha and the wild cat. O.M.G. I seriously wanna adopt them man.. They're just so fweaking adowable (':
Of course for a city girl like me, it was such an experience. Thanks to my mom for bringing me there, only. And her great friends. We shared laughter all the way, I enjoyed every moment of it. What a trip ! Go Tabin Wildlife Resort! :D
A pic I got while we were on our way to mud volcano