
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Too Proud Not To Be A Virgin?

   So, ttba nama Adinda Evans naik ? Kat tweeter kecoh sgat psal dia
  I thought it was just rumors till I got to her blog and saw this, 

kesah ape aku bukan virgin

ni lagi 1 punyaa hal . aku tau dlm dunia ni tak ramai ponpuan ada DARA. skrg susa nk dpt girl yg ade dara . aku kesah ape org nk pggil aku bohsia ? lau kau mara org pggil kau bohsia , means betol la yg kau tu bohsia . sedar sedar la weh .. jgn ingat dlm dunia ni aku srg je tade dara ! pkir sbelum ckp . YEAHH . aku jujor la dgn korang , AKU DA PERNAH MAEN ! puas ? ade ke org nak mngaku mcm ni ? takkan punya .. bia org nak pandang hina kat kita . asalkan kita adeMARUAH DIRI ! thankyou :)

Sayang seribu kali sayang, once you lost it, you can never have it back, my dear . And that includes your dignity and which dignity you're talking bout? I feel sorry for you

   Haih, I guess you're not surprised with our generation right? But somehow haha to be random, I respect her. At least she has some balls to admit it even though it's humiliating. Wait, what's the point on confessing by the way? People nowdays.. hmm