
Thursday, June 7, 2012

What's Up? - Ceiling

Pretty religious. Bear with it.

My house is so hot or maybe it’s the high temperature, I felt cozy only after the shower and felt hot again right on the moment I put my clothes on. Feel like not wearing any clothes! Just tank top with shorts. Okay, astaghfirullah alazim. Shooh shooh the negative thoughts. Baby! Babies are cute ! Taraaa

Topic of the day

Is it wrong telling others about our aurat to others?

That situation made me think. If a muslim, like me for instant, who wears hijab, but talks about those, is it a sin? Talk about what? Like, about my hair (how it looks like) I like to wear shorts, smthg to do with my aurat, and I tell others, eventhough indirectly. Is it a sin? I became doubtful. So I actually google it, and guess what, this is what I found.

~ • ~
Hukum memberitahu ciri-ciri bahagian aurat kepada yang bukan mahram adalah ditegah oleh syarak, maksudnya haram hukumnya walaupun orang itu tidak melihat aurat tersebut, kerana dalam sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Mas'ud r.a., Rasulullah SAW ada bersabda yang bermaksud: "Janganlah seorang perempuan bergaul dengan perempuan lain kemudian menceritakan perihal perempuan lain itu kepada suaminya sehingga seakan-akan suaminya itu melihat perempuan yang diceritakannya". (HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Imam  Ibnu Kathir menyatakan di dalam Tafsirnya mengenai Firman Allah Subhanahu wa Taala (au nisaa`ihinna), maksudnya adalah, seorang wanita muslimah juga dibolehkan menampakkan perhiasannya (auratnya) kepada wanita-wanita muslimah, namun tidak boleh kepada ahlu zimmah (wanita-wanita kafir ahlu zimmah); agar wanita-wanita kafir itu tidak menceritakan aurat wanita-wanita muslimah kepada suami-suami mereka. Walaupun hal ini mesti dihindari (mahdzuuran) pada semua wanita, akan tetapi kepada wanita ahlu zimmah lebih ditekankan lagi. Illah (sebab) batas aurat wanita muslim dihadapan wanita bukan muslim sama seperti aurat perempuan dengan lelaki bukan mahram adalah kerana wanita bukan muslim ini tidak boleh dipercayai kerahsiaan mereka (dalam menjaga amanah). Ditakuti aib dan aurat wanita muslim dihebah-hebahkan. Bagi wanita ahlu zimmah tidak ada larangan mengenai masalah ini (menceritakan aurat wanita lain). Adapun untuk wanita Muslimah, sesungguhnya, dia memahami bahawa hal ini (menceritakan aurat wanita lain kepada suaminya) adalah haram. Oleh kerana itu, hendaknya dia menjaga diri dari hal tersebut.

~ • ~

So that was it. This thing came up in my mind because I’ve seen some girls who wear hijab talks about how their hair looks like, legs too skinny etcetera cetera on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. I know I’m being pretty random or old fashioned, but as a girl who wears hijab myself, am trying to be a better person, insya-Allah, and note to all the girls out there, especially my girls (I love ya’ll, that’s why I’m telling you this) I want you to share it with you guys.

Plus, this is what I thought. If you actually tell others about your aurat, they would most likely imagine it and c’mon, human’s imagination sometimes gets beyond from what you expected especially when it comes to guys. Sorry guys, but it is fact yea. Say if you tell ‘em bout your hair, how thick it is, how it looks like, they will imagine it, and maybe not only imagine about your hair, but how you look like when you’re out of the shower with wet hair etc, it’s a sin. Wrong thoughts.

I’m not a perfect person. Far from perfection. Can never reach perfection. We, as human of course commits sins with or without realizing it. Thus, to avoid from making more sins, let’s try to reduce it while we still can, shall we?

Sorry if my words are harsh or hurtful. Maybe you’ll say I did the same thing too, but that was the past. Correct me if I’m wrong. Think of it. Peace ._.v