They say if you love two person at the same time, choose the second one.
Why? Because if you truly love the first person, you won't fall for the second person.
If you met the third person and you fell for them too, I believe it's either that person is your soulmate or just a god's test. Open up your eyes and be wise.
Whenever I see a couple, I kept wondering, what do they see in each other? What kept them holding on? How? And why? What's the small voice asked them to do? Love is blind. Appearance didnt matter much, because I've seen couples - even they're not beautiful in the society's eyes or even mine but at least they have someone who sees them in another way, which made them look beautiful in their partner's eyes. Even they don't have the looks, but there is certainly someone who's willingly enough to make sacrifices for them. Someone who loves them truly, for who they are. Like a mother's love toward her child. That is what you call love.
"What if she's the one?"
"How to know?"
"You got to know, she's the one you think of, you care about, the one who you can't live without. You got to feel she's your soulmate. That's what they say, though."