
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bona Fide

They say if you love two person at the same time, choose the second one. 
Why? Because if you truly love the first person, you won't fall for the second person.

    If you met the third person and you fell for them too, I believe it's either that person is your soulmate or just a god's test. Open up your eyes and be wise.

   Whenever I see a couple, I kept wondering, what do they see in each other? What kept them holding on? How? And why? What's the small voice asked them to do? Love is blind. Appearance didnt matter much, because I've seen couples - even they're not beautiful in the society's eyes or even mine but at least they have someone who sees them in another way, which made them look beautiful in their partner's eyes. Even they don't have the looks, but there is certainly someone who's willingly enough to make sacrifices for them. Someone who loves them truly, for who they are. Like a mother's love toward her child. That is what you call love.

"What if she's the one?"
"How to know?"
"You got to know, she's the one you think of, you care about, the one who you can't live without. You got to feel she's your soulmate. That's what they say, though."

Sunday, July 29, 2012

On The Spot

Today I decided that when I die I want to get so much radiation pumped into my body that when I have a funurral they can turn off all the lights and I will glow in the dark. MLIA.

Sick. Unhealthy. Reliable. Tired of drama. Sick of the situation. Lost hope. Same old story. Not wanting to give up. What’s the vouch? Past. Move on. Present. Live. Future. Hopes. Pray. In need, indeed. I wish. Every Little Thing. You’re my sunlight. Chosen.  Wise. Disappearance. Crush. Time. Fakes. Untouchable. Dignity. Virtue. Sorry. Promises. Words. Lies. Faith. Trust. Tranquility. Exhausted. Rumors. Hurt. Pain. Throb. Tingle. Stories. Tears. Brokenhearted. Friends. Backstabbers. Used to. Songs. Laughter. Cachinnation. Girls. Sparks in the eyes. Dim. Dull. Moans. Hang outs. Bond. Friendship. Bright. Open minded. Clueless. Fish. Memories. Gullible. Excessive. Whisper. Goodbyes. Precarious. Glory. Hug. Aureole. Angel. Earth. Water. Sky. Blue. Tears. Humor. Droll. Food. Strong. Secure.

Today, I was with my family at the store. I was complaining, when my dad said really loudly, "SHUT UP, I GAVE BIRTH TO YOU." MLIA.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Glory Glory Rumah Kuning (:

Ain't much to write. Just picts to share and some description (:

July 5th night. A day before Biey's birthday. My parent brought a cake for me. My birthday is one day after Biey's. It was Black Forest. And thank you so much, ibu for buying that cake. It was reallyy nice (':

Date   : July 5, 2012
Time  : 0000
Venue : Aspurian's Corridor
Invitation : Closed ones; HG for sure and plus plus.

It starts with a cake, that had been cut to 12 pieces

And we light it up

Then we ate it

And played around

Almost all the girls who stayed up that night ate that cake. And this ☟ was what left for Amie, who couldnt celebrate with her due to over limit tiredness (god knows what she did that day)

Few more things we did, but can't post the picts. Private (:

Date  : July 6, 2012
Time  : 7.30-12.30
Venue : School field 
Invitation : KUSTechians

It starts with Biey opening her birthday present from Zai

And it was Ramlee Awang Murshid's novel ; Hatiku di Harajuku. Mygodd, serious best gila novel tu (':

My girls (':
From left - Syeera, me, Leleyh 

Rumah Kuning (:

Rumah Biru (:

Rumah Hijau (:

Rumah Merah (:

Rumah Kuning's runners
From left - Biey, Syaza, Ainaa, Wawa, Peah

And this is what Ijat and Awank will do to the first winners representative from rumah Kuning (:

They will escort 'em . So supportive, aren't they? (:

This is Ijart. Pancit tengah jalan for 100m. 
From left - Ijart, Idah.

Won first place for lempar cakera. Bhahaha, k, till now tak percaya. 

The runners. First place (:
From left - Biey, Syaza

The lovers (:
Peah, Syaza, Zai

From left - Dinie (the one holding the flag) and Popeye . Smexeyh 

Kedding and Dinie . Getting ready for marching

Glory Glory Rumah Kuning :D

Winners (:

Friday, June 29, 2012

Go Kuning !

Go Kuning ialah untuk rumah sukan saya ya. Yes, I’m proud to be in the yellow team. Dah sebati. Since darjah dua. Darjah satu ingatkan nk masuk rumah kuning jugak, but kawan paksa masuk rumah merah, then darjah dua, dia dh pindah. Aku pun tukar lah. Tautau smpai form 5 rumah kuning. Ambik kau

By the waayyy . Tadi kan. Ayah mntak buatkan Danial punya susu. Okay la, takpe. Ayah dah penat. Aku yang dh 3 minggu tak jejak rmah ni pun takda la bengap mana nk cari tmpat susu adik aku sorang nih. Danial nk susu coklat. Okay la. Demi adik tersayang. Kat situ ada empat bekas. Aku ingat lagi bekas susu dia macam mana. Aku capai la yang warnanya mcam coklat coklat tu. Air dh letak takat 6 dah. Then bila bukak bekas tu, tkda scoop tu. Aku pelik la. Nk ambl scoop lain, then ttba terbau benda yang tak sepatutnya from bekas tu. Ya Allah, mau mati adik aku klau aku bagi dia susu dari bekas tu. Rupa-2 nya itu kari. Astaghfirullah. Nasib  baik tak letak lagi dalam botol susu tu. Ish ish, kot ya pun mamai..
Bekas lagi satu yang wrna coklat tu milo. So itu bukan susu Danial. Bekas yang ke tiga tu baru susu Danial. Aku tatau laaa siapa yang taruk smua benda tu dalam bekas yang serupa. Ish ish.

Anywayy . Dah 3 minggu tak balik. Macam-macam berlaku. I mean like really macam-macam yang berlaku. Perkara yang tak terduga pun berlaku. But takpaa, benda dh lpas dah pun. Bukan urusan aku untuk menyelesaikan segalanya. So, skip cerita 2 minggu pertama tu, crita psal minggu ni.

Hari Isnin tu ada seramai 10 murid yang dipanggil untuk buat oral test depan siapa tah. Ada la orang luar tu nk buat pemeriksaan. Cikgu ckap test tu on Wednesday. Mcam buat oral biasa, cuma bukan depan ckgu korang la. Orang luar. So hari selasa tu foya foya sikit, boleh pulak ckgu bm suruh buat karangan yang 4 muka surat tu, hntar haritu jugak. Ah, lawak apa. Dengan ngantuknya, apa pun tak boleh lah. Then procrastinate. Plan nk buat malam tu, but ada tuition pulak. So procrastinate lagi. Hari Rabu pulak hari koop. Aku took part for netball and volleyball.

Pagi Rabu tu buat the oral. Okay lah. Everything went well. Aku tanya ckgu pun, ckgu ckap test tu went well. Alhamdulillah. Semua orang bagus. Well done guys. Hari Rabu tu serious penat gila la. First game netball, then volley, then netball balik, then volley. Gilir-gilir. Tu la, tamak lagi. But takpa. Rindu punya pasal kan. Satisfied, cause rumah kuning dpat 1st place for both game. Rumah kuning (bak kata diorng) rmai athelete. Netballers skolah pun mmang rmai rumah kuning. Yang pi kebangsaan main volleyball last year pun rmai rumah kuning, so mmang superb. HAHA *bangga ==’ . Takraw dgan volley llaki pun rumah kuning menang. Alhamdulillah! Basketball, tatau apa crita, futsal kalah, but takpaa. Last year kan, klau boleh nk bagi rumah kuning menang. Last year rumah kuning number 3. Aku fikir nak tebus balik je. At least ada jugak kenangan (‘:

Lepastu Khamis malam Jumaat tu tetiba ada jamuan pulak. Huh. Mmang malas nak pi lah. Dengan sakit perutnya. Nama pulak kena panggil, nasib depa cover aku pi toilet. Toilet puih la, bak kata menon, Ahah.  Congrats Hajar 6 kerana berjaya mendapat dorm terkotor. Bhaha, funnehh. Tu la korang. Adoii, baju tu jangan dok letak atas katil. Paling kurang pun main basketball la, sumbat dlam locker.

Prem pulak crita walid ada masuk dorm aku nk betulkan lampu. Dia ckap walid complained harap je ahli dorm budak lawa-2, but dorm kotor. Bau bercampur campur. Dengan bau perfume, bau busuk. Ngek apa. Sampah tak bersepah pun, terkumpul kat dlam tong sampah. Tak terbuang. Tu jee.

Surau dah sihat. Aspuri kena solat kat surau dah. So, gate pula dikunci pada pukul 6 setiap pagi, kecuali hari cuti rasanya. Turun lmbat, nama kena ambil, diberi kepada guru disiplin dan akan didenda. Samada yang memalukan, atau yang menyakitkan, depends on cikgu tu lah. Mcam haram. So tak dpat nak tdur lmbat-2 lagi. Kena tdur awal, klau tak mmang bangun lmbat laa. Nak jugak on call malam-2 mcam last time, but risky. I’m not the type who likes to wake up early in the morning. So yeah. Sadis sadis.

Harini pulak ada open day. Hari ramah mesra antara ibu bapa dengan guru. Yeah, parents aku tak datang. Ayah datang lewat petang tu. But takpa, janji balik. Next week sukantara on Friday aka birthday Biey. Sabtu malam Ahad tu pulak Aspurians Golden Moment. Tak sabar pula rasanya. Nak je pkai shorts, haha but gilapaa. Nama je Aspurians, but budak PA smua llaki cik kiah oii. Next tweek pula ada pi mana tah for Peers and budak SS. Rasa malas sangat nak pergi. But klau ada duit banyak, takpa hewhew. Makan tanggung sndiri, mana tak. Mau pokai aku.

Okay. Dh byak kubebelkan. Harap maaf jikalau dah menangis sebab menguap tah brapa banyak kali bila baca bendabenda yang bosan ni. Saja nak share. Taknak bagi blog ni  berhabuk. Aku sndiri pun bosan baca post post yang lama tu. Okay, done. Wish us the best. Kuning dynamite ! :D

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What's Up? - Ceiling

Pretty religious. Bear with it.

My house is so hot or maybe it’s the high temperature, I felt cozy only after the shower and felt hot again right on the moment I put my clothes on. Feel like not wearing any clothes! Just tank top with shorts. Okay, astaghfirullah alazim. Shooh shooh the negative thoughts. Baby! Babies are cute ! Taraaa

Topic of the day

Is it wrong telling others about our aurat to others?

That situation made me think. If a muslim, like me for instant, who wears hijab, but talks about those, is it a sin? Talk about what? Like, about my hair (how it looks like) I like to wear shorts, smthg to do with my aurat, and I tell others, eventhough indirectly. Is it a sin? I became doubtful. So I actually google it, and guess what, this is what I found.

~ • ~
Hukum memberitahu ciri-ciri bahagian aurat kepada yang bukan mahram adalah ditegah oleh syarak, maksudnya haram hukumnya walaupun orang itu tidak melihat aurat tersebut, kerana dalam sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibn Mas'ud r.a., Rasulullah SAW ada bersabda yang bermaksud: "Janganlah seorang perempuan bergaul dengan perempuan lain kemudian menceritakan perihal perempuan lain itu kepada suaminya sehingga seakan-akan suaminya itu melihat perempuan yang diceritakannya". (HR al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Imam  Ibnu Kathir menyatakan di dalam Tafsirnya mengenai Firman Allah Subhanahu wa Taala (au nisaa`ihinna), maksudnya adalah, seorang wanita muslimah juga dibolehkan menampakkan perhiasannya (auratnya) kepada wanita-wanita muslimah, namun tidak boleh kepada ahlu zimmah (wanita-wanita kafir ahlu zimmah); agar wanita-wanita kafir itu tidak menceritakan aurat wanita-wanita muslimah kepada suami-suami mereka. Walaupun hal ini mesti dihindari (mahdzuuran) pada semua wanita, akan tetapi kepada wanita ahlu zimmah lebih ditekankan lagi. Illah (sebab) batas aurat wanita muslim dihadapan wanita bukan muslim sama seperti aurat perempuan dengan lelaki bukan mahram adalah kerana wanita bukan muslim ini tidak boleh dipercayai kerahsiaan mereka (dalam menjaga amanah). Ditakuti aib dan aurat wanita muslim dihebah-hebahkan. Bagi wanita ahlu zimmah tidak ada larangan mengenai masalah ini (menceritakan aurat wanita lain). Adapun untuk wanita Muslimah, sesungguhnya, dia memahami bahawa hal ini (menceritakan aurat wanita lain kepada suaminya) adalah haram. Oleh kerana itu, hendaknya dia menjaga diri dari hal tersebut.

~ • ~

So that was it. This thing came up in my mind because I’ve seen some girls who wear hijab talks about how their hair looks like, legs too skinny etcetera cetera on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. I know I’m being pretty random or old fashioned, but as a girl who wears hijab myself, am trying to be a better person, insya-Allah, and note to all the girls out there, especially my girls (I love ya’ll, that’s why I’m telling you this) I want you to share it with you guys.

Plus, this is what I thought. If you actually tell others about your aurat, they would most likely imagine it and c’mon, human’s imagination sometimes gets beyond from what you expected especially when it comes to guys. Sorry guys, but it is fact yea. Say if you tell ‘em bout your hair, how thick it is, how it looks like, they will imagine it, and maybe not only imagine about your hair, but how you look like when you’re out of the shower with wet hair etc, it’s a sin. Wrong thoughts.

I’m not a perfect person. Far from perfection. Can never reach perfection. We, as human of course commits sins with or without realizing it. Thus, to avoid from making more sins, let’s try to reduce it while we still can, shall we?

Sorry if my words are harsh or hurtful. Maybe you’ll say I did the same thing too, but that was the past. Correct me if I’m wrong. Think of it. Peace ._.v

9Gag Ze Best

Friday, June 1, 2012

For My Girls

My babes, Syaza, Biey, Lily, Nisha and Shad .

Korang korang. See that pict? Nak tau tak, gmbar tu tak bertukar pun since last year I guess #JiwangMode. But serious. 

Reasons why ;
 Sebab aku rindu korang lahh. I know, I know. People said and talked behind our back about us being this and that, well idgaf about it. I miss the time we had spent together as in together – together. Sama-sama thru thick and thin, remember? Aku rindu time aku merungut ke apa, korang ckap ‘apa lagi yang tak perfect dlam hidup kau maaaiii’ somethg like tht. Even that would’ve cheer me up (‘:
Aku tak mntak pun nk buat mcam last yr, lepak kat pantry, kat atas ‘jambatan’ tu ke apa, (spm wehh, aku pun fkir dua tiga kali klau nk buat lagi tang Ramadhan nk dtang ni) but just our time, yknow, the six of us sitting in one place talks about us, share about anything. Takda kes kes terasa whatever. C’mon laa, bila je lagi kitrang boleh buat mcam ni. Lpas SPM? Tak semestinya smua boleh kluar at one time tu. Klau boleh tu, Alhamdulillah lah, but then time tu tak sama dah kan . Lpastu everyone makes their own separate ways. Then time reunion pun of course tak sama dah, kotkot dah ada anak (tatau la siapa kan, maybe Shad kot. Haha tahtah Lily) then tgah dok sembang (ala gaya mak mak) kita anak pulak dok huaaaa T.T melalak sana sini. Leceh bebeno. Mau aku sumbat stoking Tom karang, har har.
And and, if you guys nak berubah ke arah kebaikan, I don’t  mind. Glad to see that, happy for you. But jnganlah smpai neglect ktrang, pull us too. Apa guna kawan kan? Tak nak la jadi selfish.
Haa, plus, surau dah elok. Haha, korang, jmpa kat surau pagi-2 tu yea? Tak nak la jmpa kat tmpat lain.  Mcam last time. Haha, apa-2 hal, surau tmpat gathering, tak pun ruai (klau yg dikecualikan) . Bottom line is, HG, miss you guys (‘: 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Playing Other's Role

Question of the day ;

Apa kau rasa, bila kau tolong layan laki kawan kau?

First of all, let me straighten your thoughts on the word ‘layan’ . It’s not ‘layan’ as in on the bed or so, but you’re the one who texts him, on the phone with him, chat with him, but when it comes to face to face situation, your friend takes over.

So what do you feel?

For me, that’s not a win-win situation. It’s unfair and you’re a selfish, heartless jerk if you do so. That’s equal to playing around other’s feelings. Mmang la fun, boleh ambil kesempatan, but for me, hell no I’m going to do that. Cuba la kau letak kau pnya tmpat kat llaki tu punya tmpat. Apa kau rasa? Dafuk Propaganda la klau kau ckap best. If I were in his shoes, mau aku bagi penumbuk kat perempuan tu. Lagi-2 klau dh mmang fall for her.  But klau ada iman, tkda la smpai nk tumbuk prmpuan tu. Aisy, kesian pulak. Just don’t be selfish peeps. Peace ._.v

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Broken Hearted Girl

You're everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could've been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that

You're the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I love to not forgive
And thought you break my heart
You're the only one

And though there are times when I hate you
Cause I can't erase the times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now while I hate you it pains me to say
I know I'll be there at the end of the day

I don't wanna be without you babe
I don't wanna broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath without you babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kinda way, no no
I don't wanna broken heart
And I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl no no
No broken-hearted girl
I'm no broken-hearted girl

There's something that I feel I need to say
But up 'til now I've always been afraid
That you would never come around
And still I wanna put this out
You say you got the most respect for me
But sometimes I feel you're not deserving of me
And still you're in my heart
But you're the only one

And yes there are times when I hate you
But I don't complain
Cause I've been afraid that you would walk away
Oh but now I don't hate you I'm happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day

I don't wanna be without you babe
I don't wanna broken heart
Don't wanna take a breath without you baby
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kinda way, no no
I don't wanna broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl

Now I'm at a place I thought I'd never be, ooh
I'm living in a world that's all about you and me, mmm yeah
Ain't gotta be afraid, my broken heart is free
To spread my wings and fly away, away with you,
Yeah yeah yeah, oh ohh...

I don't wanna be without my baby
I don't wanna broken heart
Don't wanna to take a breath without my baby
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kinda way, no no
I don't wanna broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
No, no, no broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl, no, no
No broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What I Thought

  So they said, "Aku benci bila dia lupa kawan bila llaki/prmpuan tu ada." Familiar with this situation? I have friends who acts like that. Needless to say, I'm a more to -careless- type. Idgad about it. Come back to me when you're done. Friends in need are friends indeed right? Ahah, real shitto there. Well, this is what I think

   I dedicate this to all of you. My girls, especially. 
   I don't care if you wanna be with the love one, but please don't dump your friend bcause of that person. Especially during your hangouts. That's a major DON'T. Seriously. Yeah, I understand, you want to spend your time with your love one, but hey, if you have problems with 'em, what's the first thing will pop out in your mind? Friend. A friend to talk to. To share your tears with. Think about it. I admit myself even I would love to spend my time with the guy who I love, but dumping my friends because of him? No way, not me. Unless if it comes to certain time when I just need a time of 'our' own, yes, I might leave my friends for a while with hope they would understand because I need a time with him. Personal stuff, perhaps. Depends. My point is, don't do it too frequently till you friends got annoyed and trust me, slowly they'll start not giving a damn about you. 
   On the other hand, we may say friends and boyfriend are both important. Friends who keeps us company, but boyfriend is the one we gonna get marry with and spend the rest of our life with not with the friends. Unless if you’re bi. Which obviously if you’re a Muslim that’s against the rules. Whatever it is, I know both are important and we can’t please ‘em all but be rational. Know when you should be with your friends and your lover. Just don’t dump your friends bcause of your lover. But if he’s worth it, know it your friends will know and understand . Peace