
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Playing Other's Role

Question of the day ;

Apa kau rasa, bila kau tolong layan laki kawan kau?

First of all, let me straighten your thoughts on the word ‘layan’ . It’s not ‘layan’ as in on the bed or so, but you’re the one who texts him, on the phone with him, chat with him, but when it comes to face to face situation, your friend takes over.

So what do you feel?

For me, that’s not a win-win situation. It’s unfair and you’re a selfish, heartless jerk if you do so. That’s equal to playing around other’s feelings. Mmang la fun, boleh ambil kesempatan, but for me, hell no I’m going to do that. Cuba la kau letak kau pnya tmpat kat llaki tu punya tmpat. Apa kau rasa? Dafuk Propaganda la klau kau ckap best. If I were in his shoes, mau aku bagi penumbuk kat perempuan tu. Lagi-2 klau dh mmang fall for her.  But klau ada iman, tkda la smpai nk tumbuk prmpuan tu. Aisy, kesian pulak. Just don’t be selfish peeps. Peace ._.v